HandsForHealingMinistries.org Equipping the Saints Workshops for Jesus' Healing Ministry
These workshops are offered to educate and to empower those who wish to claim and share the gifts of wholeness in body, mind, spirit, and emotion that God offers and desires for us.
Disc 1
"Does Jesus Heal Today?" (20 min - no handout)
"The Good News of Jesus’ Healing Ministry" (53 min - see handout)
Disc 2
"The Importance of Listening in Healing Prayer" (43 min. – see handout)
"Some Principles of Healing Prayer" (20 min – see handout)
Disc 3
"Testimony: The Healing Power of Prayer" (13 min – no handout)
"Soaking Prayer: The Blending of Holy Spirit & Holy Silence" (30 min. – 2 handouts)
"The Role of the Holy Spirit in Healing Ministry" (27 min. – no handout)
Disc 1
"Healing the Hurts of the Past: an Overview" (43 min – see handout)
"The Healing Power of Forgiveness – A Story" (14 min – no handout)
Disc 2
"The Healing Power of Forgiveness" (45 min – see handout)
Disc 3
"The Four Way Forgiveness Prayer" (25 min – see handout)
"Key Steps: Healing Past Hurts through Prayer" (40 min – see handout)
Disc 4
"A Prayer Exercise for Inner Healing" (28 min – no handout)
Disc 2 "Surrendering Our Cold Love to Abba" (36 min.– handout)
Prayer Exercise (6 min.)
Disc 3 Surrendering Our Fears to Abba's Love (43 min. - handout)
Prayer Exercise (5 min.)
Disc 4 "Surrendering to Abba's Love - Choosing to Forgive" (27 min. - handout)
Prayer Exercise (11 min.)
WORKSHOP 5, "Praying like Jesus Prayed"
Disc 1 "Contemporary Lord's Prayer for Healing" (19 min. - handout)
Prayer Exercise (5 min.)
"The Lord's Prayer & Persistence" (18 min. - handout)
Prayer Exercise (4 min)
Disc 2 "Praying with Power and Authority" (16 min.- handout)
"Prayer of Command - used by Jesus and disciples" (36 min.- handout)
Prayer Excercise (3 min.)
Rev. John Rice served as president of the North American Board of the Order of St. Luke (OSL) and Director of Region 3 OSL (southeastern states). His vision is to encourage, equip and empower God’s people for healing ministry. After 24 years as pastor of Episcopal churches in Vermont and western North Carolina, he recently retired from parish ministry to devote more time to healing ministry. He leads workshops about healing prayer in churches across the south. In 2009 and 2010, John led OSL healing mission teams to India, equipping clergy and lay leaders to start an active healing ministry there. His passion is to nurture the growth of the body of Christ through healing prayer, both in India and at home.